Plotting cyclic voltammetry experiments
Plotting a single cyclic-voltammetry experiment
The following scipt can be used to plot the experimental data associated to a single cyclic-voltammetry experiment. The color of each cycle is set by the default matplotlib color sequence.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from echemsuite.cyclicvoltammetry import CyclicVoltammetry
# Load the data to plot in a CyclicVoltammetry object
cv = CyclicVoltammetry("../utils/cv_sample.DTA")
# Setup a figure and set a global font size
plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 18})
fig = plt.figure(figsize= (6, 6))
# Plot all the cycles contained in the cyclic-voltammetry experiment
for index, (current, voltage) in enumerate(cv):
plt.plot(voltage, [1e6*i for i in current], label=f"{index}")
# Set the axis labels
plt.xlabel(r"V vs $\mathrm{V}_\mathrm{ref}$ [$V$]", size=20)
plt.ylabel(r"I [$\mu A$]", size=20)
# Add a legend to the plot
# Setup a grid
plt.grid(which="major", c="#DDDDDD")
plt.grid(which="minor", c="#EEEEEE")
# Render the plot
ImportError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[1], line 2
1 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
----> 2 from echemsuite.cyclicvoltammetry import CyclicVoltammetry
4 # Load the data to plot in a CyclicVoltammetry object
5 cv = CyclicVoltammetry("../utils/cv_sample.DTA")
ImportError: cannot import name 'CyclicVoltammetry' from 'echemsuite.cyclicvoltammetry' (unknown location)
Plotting multiple cyclic-voltammetry experiments on the same figure
If more than one experiments needs to be plotted on the same graph the following script can be used as a template. The script make use of the graphicaltools
module to generate colors appropriate to the task.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from echemsuite.cyclicvoltammetry.read_input import CyclicVoltammetry
from echemsuite.graphicaltools import Palette, ColorShader
# Define a dictionary to store the experiments to be plotted
experiments = {}
experiments["Sample A"] = CyclicVoltammetry("../utils/cv_example_A.DTA")
experiments["Sample B"] = CyclicVoltammetry("../utils/cv_example_B.DTA")
# Define a color palette to be used in the plot
palette = Palette("vivid")
# Setup a figure object
plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 18})
fig = plt.figure(figsize= (6, 6))
# Iterate over all the experiments in the dictionary
for i, (name, experiment) in enumerate(experiments.items()):
# Define a shader with the basecolor provided by the palette
shader = ColorShader(palette[i], levels=len(experiment), saturate=True, reversed=True, luminance_range=(0.6, 0.9))
# Plot each trace recorded in the experiment
for j, (current, voltage) in enumerate(experiment):
plt.plot(voltage, [1e3*im for im in current], c=shader[j].RGB, label=name if j==0 else None)
# Add labels to the axes
plt.xlabel(r"V vs $\mathrm{V}_\mathrm{ref}$ [V]", size=20)
plt.ylabel("I [mA]", size=20)
# Add a grid to the plot
plt.grid(which="major", c="#DDDDDD")
plt.grid(which="minor", c="#EEEEEE")
# Plot the legend
# Render the graph