Release notes

  • Version 0.2.1b2

    • Added classmethod to RateExperiment to load ARBIN .csv files.

    • Added timestamp propery to CellCycling class to more easily track the start of the experiment.

    • Added a quickload_folder method to the cellcycling.read_input module.

    • Added classmethod to RateExperiment to load GAMRY standard folder format.

    • Update to the documentation with more examples and new types of plot

  • Version 0.2.1b

    • Added a graphicaltools module to help the user in the creation of graphs and plots

      • Defined a simple Color class to hold, manipulate and carry around RGB color values.

      • Defined a ColorShader class to generate multiple shades of a given color (e.g. to be used when plotting capacity/voltage curves of the same cell during multiple cycles)

      • Defined a Palette class to handle generic color palettes to be used in plotting different experiments.

    • Created an early version of the documentation of the module with examples.

  • Version 0.2.1a

    • Refactoring of the cyclicvoltammetry module:

      • Easier access to the current and voltage data of each cycle.

      • Implemented early version of the documentation with examples.

    • Added experiments submodule to the cellcycling module:

      • Introduced the RateExperiment class to handle multiple cellcycling experiments at different currents.

      • Updated the documentation with the new features.

      • Dropped support for old legacy functions.

  • Version 0.2.0a:

    • Refacoring of the cellcycling module: Separated the file loader module (echemsuite.cellcycling.read_input) from the analysis one (echemsuite.cellcycling.cycles).

    • Added FileManager class to handle the loading and manipulation of .DTA and .mpt files

    • Refactoring of the code and set to deprecated the functions:

      • build_DTA_cycles

      • read_mpt_cycles

      • read_cycles

      • build_cycles

    • Added documentation

    • Added unit testing